Reducing Compassion Fatigue in the Workplace

Compassion fatigue is an occupational challenge for those whose jobs involve working with people that are highly distressed, traumatized, or injured/ill. Compassion fatigue is a natural depletion and a reduced ability to be empathetic that occurs when frequently witnessing others in significant pain and distress. This training is for workgroups to be able to understand the common reactions to working with others in high distress, recognize early the signs of compassion fatigue, and have practical steps to reduce compassion fatigue. This presentation includes time for the workgroup to discuss as a group and support each other around the specific challenges of their job that contribute to compassion fatigue. It also includes time for discussion as a team on strategies for their group to reduce compassion fatigue.

This presentation is offered biannually. Please call 512-471-3366 to find out when the next group is offered. Available in departments summer of 2023.