Past Events

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Life/Work Integration: Boundaries at Work
Nov. 14, 2023, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
The last three years of massive uncertainty and change has made us reevaluate the place of work in our lives. We’re rethinking what we want out of life. Boundaries are one tool that can help us build a way of living and working that cultivates well-being and flow. Before we can set boundaries for work/life balance, we have to pause, step back from the momentum, and consider what’s on our plate. In this workshop presentation, Amber Hunter-Crawford, LCSW-S from the Employee Assistance Program will help us unpack the latest research on what healthy boundaries are, signs you may need healthier boundaries, and why you might have trouble setting healthy boundaries. Then we’ll engage in reflective exercises to make space for you to understand your needs, identify your values, clarify what deserves your energy, and explore ways to prioritize what matters most.
Event Status
Small pictures of diverse people and groups around words that read EAP’s Strengthening Relationships Presentation Series
Nov. 7, 2023, noon to 1 p.m.
“Navigating the aftermath of betrayal: The Gottman Approach to Trust Recovery” presented by Vagdevi Meunier, Psy.D. a licensed clinical psychologist , Certified Master Gottman Therapist, and Founder/Executive Director of the Center for Relationships on Tuesday, November 7th at 12:00pm. The Gottman Method is based on the Sound Relationship House model that was developed by Drs. John & Julie Gottman after 40+ years of systematic research into what makes relationships healthy or dysfunctional. Betrayal impacts the weight-bearing walls of your Sound Relationship House and can make your world feel like it’s crumbling. In this webinar we will address the three stages of recovery from betrayal: Atone, Attune, and Attach and address the key tasks and outcomes that predict successful repair and restoration of safety and trust in a relationship.
Event Status
A woman holding her head and looking stressed in a meeting room next to words that read "Dealing with Difficult People".
Nov. 7, 2023, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Other people can present you with conflicts or difficult behaviors that increase your stress level and affect work performance and job satisfaction. Whether it's customers or co-workers, your ability to respond effectively to challenging people and situations greatly impacts your success on the job. This workshop discusses types of difficult behaviors and effective response strategies. Participants will learn the principles of effective assertive communication through small group exercises. The EAP is committed to reducing barriers to accessing our services. Please contact us if you need live captioning to access this training.
Event Status
A white outline of a brain against a blue background with words that read "Mindset Matters: How to Develop a Growth Mindset Around Giving and Receiving Feedback"
Oct. 24, 2023, 1 to 2:30 p.m.
If you're like most people, giving or receiving feedback in the workplace can be uncomfortable, but there are things you can do to make it less stressful, as research shows that constructive feedback can be a catalyst for growth. This presentation focuses on developing a growth mindset in the workplace regarding giving and receiving feedback. It covers the benefits of a growth mindset, strategies for constructively giving feedback, and techniques for receiving feedback with an open and receptive attitude. The presentation also emphasizes the importance of psychological safety and active listening in creating a positive feedback culture. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of how to approach feedback conversations with a growth mindset and the tools to foster a workplace culture of continuous learning and improvement. The EAP is committed to reducing barriers to accessing our services. Please contact us if you need live captioning to access this training.