Sexual Assault Awareness Month Best Practices

April 4, 2023

Words that read "Sexual Assault Awareness Month Best Practices" over a teal ribbon.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). This is a time when people come together to raise awareness and promote the prevention of sexual assault. It is also a time for survivors to share their stories and seek support. Sexual assault is a devastating crime affecting millions of people every year, regardless of gender, age, or background. Sexual assault can happen to anyone. This blog post will discuss some best practices for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Educate Yourself

The first step in promoting sexual assault awareness is educating yourself. Take the time to read articles, watch videos, and attend workshops on the topic. This will help you better understand the issue and how it affects people.

Speak Out

Use your voice to speak out against sexual assault. This can be as simple as sharing information on social media or as involved as organizing a rally or protest. No matter how you speak out, ensure your message is clear and consistent.Support Survivors

Survivors of sexual assault need support and validation. Offer to listen to their stories, provide resources, or simply be there as a friend. It is important to remember that everyone's healing process is different, and survivors may need time to feel comfortable opening up.

  • UT Austin's Title IX office offers strategies on how to Support a Survivor here
  • VAV offers additional strategies on how staff, faculty, partners, and friends can support a survivor here
  • No More's: How to Support Someone in the Moment

Challenge Victim-Blaming

Victim-blaming is a harmful practice that places the responsibility for sexual assault on the survivor. This is untrue and reinforces a culture of rape and violence. Challenge victim-blaming by calling out harmful language or behaviors, and holding people accountable for their actions.

  • Learn about the dangers of victim-blaming and ways to avoid it here

Advocate for Policy Change

Policy change is an integral part of preventing sexual assault. Advocate for policies that promote education, prevention, and support for survivors. This can include lobbying for increased funding for sexual assault services or pushing for stronger laws that hold perpetrators accountable. University employees can do this on their own time as long as they follow the policy and guidelines described in HOP 5-2055.

  • Learn about the policy work the Texas Associate Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) is doing here


Many organizations work tirelessly to prevent sexual assault and support survivors. Consider donating to a local or national organization that aligns with your values and goals.

Take Care of Yourself

Sexual assault awareness can be emotionally taxing, especially for survivors or those with personal connections to the issue. It is important to prioritize self-care and seek support if needed. This can include talking to a therapist, engaging in self-care activities, or finding a support group.


UT Campus Community Resources:

Austin Area Community Resources:

Locations that perform free Sexual Assault Nursing Exams (SANE):

Additional Resources:

In conclusion, Sexual Assault Awareness Month is an important time to promote prevention, support survivors, and challenge harmful attitudes and behaviors. By educating ourselves, speaking out, supporting survivors, challenging victim-blaming, advocating for policy change, and caring for ourselves, we can create a safer and more supportive world for all.