This is the fourth year of the monthly 60–90-minute virtual Strengthening Relationships presentation series that was created to have speakers share their professional expertise with the UT Austin community on ways to strengthen relationships and build community.
We are thinking broadly in terms of topics that could help faculty, staff and retirees cultivate meaningful, healthy, and authentic connection with others by strengthening their relationship skills with their partners, their co-workers, the teams they lead, their families, and the children they parent.
Sign up now on UT Learn.
December: “Keeping the Holiday Peace: Promoting connection and managing conflict during the holidays” presented by Emily Mohr, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and certified relationship mastery coach in private practice, on Thursday, December 12th from 12pm-1pm. This conversation will give you a framework for understanding and averting conflict before it disrupts your December holiday gatherings, particularly during these politically contentious times. The interactive presentation will include practical strategies for avoiding and deescalating charged conversations as well as reigning in your own reactive emotions so you can soothe, not stoke, the holiday fire.
January: "Creating Relationship Agility: Building Skills to Be More Responsive and Less Responsible" presented by Dr. Traci Callandrillo, licensed psychologist and creator of the Responsive Leadership Framework, on Tuesday, January 14, from 12–1:30 PM (90-minutes). In this presentation, you'll discover a fresh approach to navigating relationships—whether personal or professional—by honing your ability to engage meaningfully without assuming responsibility for others' experiences. Focused on workplace dynamics, the session will cover:
- Setting clear expectations in working relationships
- Unlocking leadership potential at all levels
- The seven essential skills for building effective, responsive relationships
Learn to foster healthier connections while staying centered in your own strengths.
March: “The Velvet Rope: Healthy Emotional Boundaries with Your Teen” presented by Katie Malinski, LCSW-S, licensed social worker and parenting coach on March 7th from 12pm-1pm (60 minutes). Do your teen’s emotions take over the house (and even the inside of your head!)? Do you feel frustrated (or worse!) by your teen’s feelings and thoughts? Do your teen’s fears, upsets, and problems feel like they become yours sometimes?
This webinar is called “The Velvet Rope” because that fuzzy red swag is a great metaphor for the kind of emotional boundary that we generally want to aim for in the parent-teen relationship. Improving emotional boundaries is a bit of work, but this information can help! The payoff for improved emotional boundaries is huge:
• Healthy emotional boundaries can help you feel less resentful, less powerless, and more clear-headed.
• Healthy emotional boundaries bring less frustration, fear, and anger.
•Healthy emotional boundaries bring closer, happier relationships and more peaceful homes.
April: “The Juggle is Real: Navigating the Sandwich Generation” presented by Ashleigh Gore, LCSW-S on Tuesday, April 22nd from 12pm-1pm. The sandwich generation refers to individuals, typically in their 30s to 50s, who are responsible for caring for both their aging parents and their own children. This dual caregiving role presents unique challenges including time management, emotional stress, and financial pressure. This training is designed to support individuals who are part of the sandwich generation by identifying ways to navigate the responsibilities while maintaining personal well-being.
May: "Being a Lighthouse: Navigating the Ripple Effects of a Cancer Diagnosis" presented by Becky Morales, LCSW-S, CSWM, Chief Mission Office of the Flatwater Foundation on Monday, May 12th from 12-1pm. Hearing the words “you have cancer” can create huge waves of uncertainty in one’s life. The ripple effects of the diagnosis then spread quickly to others - partners, kids and co-workers just to name a few. This presentation will be a helpful resource for gaining insight about the impact of a cancer diagnosis and the unique aspects of this occurring within the workplace community. Attendees will receive information and resources to bolster their ability in being a lighthouse for others who are navigating the disease.