Strengthening Relationships Presentation Series

This is the fourth year of the monthly 60–90-minute virtual Strengthening Relationships presentation series that was created to have speakers share their professional expertise with the UT Austin community on ways to strengthen relationships and build community. 

We are thinking broadly in terms of topics that could help faculty, staff and retirees cultivate meaningful, healthy, and authentic connection with others by strengthening their relationship skills with their partners, their co-workers, the teams they lead, their families, and the children they parent.
Sign up now on UT Learn.

September“The Musts of Trust: How to Build, Maintain, and Repair Your Relationships at Work” presented by Sarah Porter, PhD, a licensed psychologist and founder of a workplace training and consulting practice on Tuesday, September 24th from 11-12:30pm (90 minutes). This presentation will explore ways to establish and sustain trust within your team. You will (a) discover how six key trustworthiness indicators affect your work relationships, and (b) identify steps you can take right away to strengthen trust with your coworkers.

October: “Depolarizing Conversations” presented by Donna Buehler, the University Ombuds for Stony Brook University on Wednesday, October 2nd from 10am-11:30am (90 minutes). This workshop provides attendees with an overview of the various approaches to depolarizing conversations. It includes the recent works of three authors along with the presenter's information. The content allows us to rethink how we approach difficult conversations. And it causes us to reflect on how we handle emotions, conflict and change. The presenter hopes that attendees will leave the workshop with new tools and strategies to embrace the current challenges in the world today.

February: "How Gen Z is Flipping the Work Game" presented by Jill Castro, PsyD, psychologist in the Faculty & Staff Counseling & Consultation office at the University of Michigan on February 25th from 12pm-1pm (60 minutes). In the evolving landscape of the university as a workplace, understanding Generation Z (born 1997-2012) is essential. This presentation delves into the unique characteristics, values, and expectations that define Gen Z as they enter and navigate the workforce. We will explore how their upbringing in a digital era shapes their career aspirations, communication styles, and attitudes towards work-life balance. We will also explore implications for managers and co-workers in working and supervising multi-generational teams.