The last four years of massive uncertainty and change has invited us to reevaluate the place of work in our lives. We’re rethinking what we want out of life, looking for the tools that can help us build a way of living and working that cultivates well-being and flow.
The sometimes-elusive feeling “work life balance” sits at the intersection of boundary setting, concrete time management strategies, and the larger clarifying question of what does work life balance mean to you. To begin answering this question we must pause, step back from the momentum, consider what’s on our plate and what environment we’re in. In this workshop presentation, Amber Hunter-Crawford, LCSW-S from the Employee Assistance Program will help us unpack the latest research on what healthy boundaries are, signs you may need healthier boundaries and why you might have trouble setting healthy boundaries. We’ll look at some potential time management strategies to help focus our work hours. And then we’ll engage in reflective exercises to make space for you to seek to understand what you want work life balance to be for you by understanding your needs, identifying your values, clarifying what deserves your energy and exploring ways to prioritize what matters most.
Sign up on UTLearn: https://utexas.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/event/dde8d937-8add-4057-89b7-1c037227e969