Body Acceptance in a Weight-Focused World

Event Status

In a weight-focused world, people with larger bodies often experience negative attitudes and behaviors from other people. These messages result in people with larger bodies internalizing the negative treatment and approaching their bodies as an enemy.

In this group, participants will unpack and examine the messages that they carry about their bodies. Members can receive support from others who understand their experiences, and they can gain new perspectives and tools for living in a larger body in a weight-focused world. This virtual group will meet Wednesdays from 11 am-12 pm from 4/2/25-5/7/25. The group facilitator is Jamie Justus LCSW-S, and a pre-group interview is required to join the group. Please email to schedule your pre-group interview at least a week prior to 4/2/25.

Date and Time
April 2, 2025, 11 a.m. to noon Google Outlook iCal