Racial trauma is the experience of race-based stress faced by people of color. This stress and trauma may come from specific events including experiencing violence as the result of one’s race, from seeing repeated images of violence against the bodies of people of color, or from less overt microaggressions in a person’s school or workplace. Like all trauma, racial trauma takes a toll on the body and on one’s sense of safety and worth.
The following article outlines guiding principles for supporting yourself during the recent reporting and impact of current events following the murder of George Floyd. The strategies start with taking care of the body, feeling your feelings, and then setting boundaries that are protective and keep you safe: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5pgmq/self-care-tips-for-black-people-struggling-from-painful-week
At the EAP, we are here to listen, learn, and support employees as they navigate these painful and frightening experiences of racial trauma. Please contact us if you need additional support.